14 maja 2013

UK, plakat, Joseph

Impact Wrestling dnia 5 maja w UK oglądało 191,000 widzów. Tym samym Impact był najchętniej oglądanym programem na kanale Challenge TV.

Oto plakat promujący Impact Wrestling, który odbędzie się w Peoria 14 maja.

Joseph Park nie ukrywa swojej radości na Twitterze z powodu powrotu jego brata. Oto co napisał:

"I can't wait to get to @IMPACTWRESTLING this Thursday and see my brother Abyss. It's been awhile. Still can't believe I missed him last week.

I miss one week due to @REALBully5150 and @TestifyDevon acts upon me and I miss my brother. I was shocked to see him. TNA has its monster back and just in time to defeat @TheAcesAnd8s. I knew he would come back. I feel better and healed up. I'll be at @IMPACTWRESTLING Thurs."

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